Wake Up & Smell the Napalm!



For how long can we ignore the terrorist atrocities perpetrated in the name of Security, Liberty, & Democracy?  It is imperative that you watch the documentary War Against the Third World below which reveals the truth behind the deceitful military actions either supported by the US or directly acted out by the US.  Since WWII--or perhaps even WWI--the power elite has used mass media to manufacture public consent for numerous military misadventures cloaked in the Stars & Stripes.  While you do your weekly shopping, strolling with ease through the supermarket isles which offer a confusing array of plastic wraps, paper chinaware, beverage straws and other like sundries, and you read the boxes while trying to decide which product best suits your momentary needs, people are tortured, slaughtered, driven from their homes, and deprived of their right to Life, Liberty & pursuit of Happiness all under the guise of Freedom and Democracy.  If each US inhabitant spent a minimum of 10% of his/her time researching the validity of these accusations as he/she spends deciding which toothpaste, shampoo, ear swab, fabric softener, plastic wrap, toilet paper, snack food, or laundry detergent to buy, then little by little the blind fold that has been covering the eyes for decades will be lifted before the glaring truth and then desire for change will become a prime motivator.  If you think these atrocities will not come home to haunt us, think again.  Most people fond of saying, "What goes around, comes around," give little heed to its implications. If you think you are immune from what is done in the name of this country, then you have been misled--as we all have.

War Against the Third World
21Publish - Cooperative Publishing