It Happened Almost Five Years After 9/11

Like most people in this country, I have spent little time paying attention to all the little details of what goes on in Washington and the spin put on the news.  However, I do like to read books which expose government lies and military misadventures.  One of my favorite authors has been Noam Chomsky the renowned linguist.  This past spring I was reading Chomsky and informing myself of the various hegemonic actions this government has taken overtly and covertly, some of which I was already aware.  Strangely, one weekend morning I was sitting out on the porch reading and thinking and perhaps even writing in my journal when I had a premonition, a gut feeling which made me go to the computer and start searching on anything that would point to whether or not we were headed toward an Owellian-type society.  I was completely astounded by the things that I found on the net, because the more I found the more material I had to upon which search.

At the time of these "random" searches where I didn't really know what it was I was looking for nor what it was that I wanted to confirm to myself, I had never thought about the veracity of the official information put out by the media on the events surrounding 9/11.  It never occured to me that there might be a cover up or that what we were told might not be true.  However, through daily searching and reading and more searching, I came upon some of the 9/11 truth sites and began to read a variety of the questions raised and some of the accusations/speculations made.  It was like getting a slap in the face because although I knew the government is corrupt and usually up to no good, it really didn't occur to me that there might be foul play surrounding 9/11.  The more I discovered and read, the more I became convinced that the truthers were onto something.  Almost immediately I called my brother to let him know.  I gave him some info to use for searching.  His first reaction was, "No way!"  Then he did his own investigations.  When he got back to me, he started telling me things he found as if he were the one informing me first.  He had found things I hadn't, so of course he passed me the information and told me to check out some videos he had watched.  Also, he tried informing some of his friends and coworkers without much success because most people don't want to break out of what they believe to be the truth.  My brother was an easy one to convince because we shared the same uncle who instilled within us a healthy mistrust of government and corporate power right from the time we were little kids.

Now it seems odd to me that I had ever trusted the misinformation that came across the screen.  It also annoys me that I didn't sit and think about the most obvious facts such as building 7 coming down after not being hit and the fact that the towers came straight down at nearly free fall speed.  I watched it on the television perhaps hundreds of times and yet I never stopped to think it might be strange how those buildings came down like that.  The power of shock is overwhelming.

Learning that 9/11 may be the result of false flag operations has opened a huge door for me, because now I have a desire to learn not only the politics and foreign policy played here on US soil and around the world but also a desire to learn how the power elites have continuously worked their plans of social engineering.  9/11 was a terrible event, but it will serve to be that wake up call to so many people like myself.  It is this wake up call that may bring about the necessary changes that will keep us from falling into the grips of an all-compassing Orwellian nightmare.


The Morning of 9/11

I was in bed when the first jet hit.  The phone rang.  It was Armando calling me from work, telling me to turn on the TV, that a plane had crashed into some buildings in NY.  He didn't have more details because he didn't understand all the English from the radio news broadcast.  At the time we had satellite tv but only in Spanish.  Even though I was conversational in Spanish, I often found it hard to follow the news.  All day I watched on various channels the same images repeatedly.  Then I remember seeing the second tower get hit, and later the towers falling straight down.  I was in shock.  All day I watched until I had to leave for my Spanish linguistics class at Kennesaw State University.  When I got to school, the parking lot which would normally be so full, that I would have to drive to further edges of the parking lot in order to find a space,  was deserted.  It sent shivers down my spine.  I didn't understand what was happening.  Even the traffic which was normally terrible at that hour was eerily light.  Back at home, I plopped myself in front of the tv to watch over and over those repeated images and heard over and over the words:  Terrorismo, los escombros, las torres gemelas, etc.  For an entire week, I spent hours before the television and discovered quite by accident that the satellite network granted us for a limited time access to Fox News.  By the time I started watching what was to be said about 9/11 on Fox, I had already spent a week glued to the Spanish, thereby increasing my understanding by 100%.  When families and people gathered together with their candle-light vigil, I cried until my eyes were red and swollen shut.  I couldn't stop thinking of all the people who were caught in the towers and the ones who were in the planes, all with family members awaiting their return only never to return home again.  It seemed so unfair.  The day after 9/11 was my 44th birthday.
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