
borne on air, air

speared by sound, sound

pierces air--still

air, smooching air, expounded air, contracted air, potent

air, galloping air--moving over this stone silent

under the jay's white splash, that rose bush over-taken

by weeds and aphids, under this roof indifferent to leaves

and wind, that motorcycle rusting in the rain.


Words move air.  Air

moves words, words

dirtied by contaminated air--an idea.

Words cleansed in pure air.  Pure air

revives suffocating man as another dies

from contaminants that rob air from his lungs; he breathes

one last word--only an idea--a wish for more air, more

words, more air to move more words, more words

to pierce air with sound, sound to swim through air--

clear air, misted air, plain air, foul air, still air, pounding air--

over this paper bearing words, those herbs bent

under the weight of a turd, over this carcass once opossum,

under that car three tires flat fourth stolen and used



Words as air.  Air

as words shot through with idea.

Idea as air, air laden with words grinding idea,

forcing idea, muddying air with words murdering

ideas, fouling the air, airing the words laboring

through idea.  Words rise through the air and

question:  Can you kill with just an idea?  Can you create

with just air, air as words heavy with idea, idea

bending with words like blades of grass under traveling air?

Air like a salesman selling words disguised as idea or

idea disguised as words that are air, heavy

with the stench of putrified flesh.

It isn't fresh.


The Masses

Lots of people like to talk or write

about the masses.  Who are these

humans that make up this bottomless

puddle of flesh?  Is it you?  Is it me?

Ask most and they will neither admit

nor consider themselves a part of it, as

though it were some kind of headless

monster chewing bedposts of sleeping

children.  The media caters to it, companies

pump out lab food to feed it.  It votes, shits,

breeds, eats, smokes, drinks, fornicates.  It

clogs highways and sewers.  It has dumps

where trash mounts and mounts as it

mounts itself.  It is educated publicly, poisoned

by words and air, employed or unemployed

in just about every corner and under most

stones.  It has opinions and is polled.  It

often spreads diseases like wings.  It is

multi-limbed and grows geometrically.

It is the blob engulfing you, swallowing

me, grinding us like beef without any



Apolitical Poem by Apolitical Poet

Apolitical Poem by Apolitical Poet

I don't do politics nor discuss war

in poetry, it all being somewhere beyond the

front line of my experience and too

complicated for the mind that resides

inside its bony shell. Make no mistake--

I do not ignore events nor their

catalysts and proponents, but often the components

are so remote as to buffer me

from them as on September 11th.


Of course, I was moved as you, but little ink

spilled from my pen in response to that day.

Anything I would have had to say would have cheapened

it like the over-night flag shortage and the

prophets made thereof. I saw the faces powdered

in cement and the eyes that stared out, the tears

that washed rivers over cheeks, the people running and replays

of the second jet knifing the other twin, the

bodies falling from windows tens of stories

up in the towers that shortly plummeted

into a city of rubble dubbed Ground Zero,

and the dragon's smoking breath under which disappeared

Manhattan. I wasn't there, but here, 1000 miles from the

screams and heat and panicked feet, safely in front of a TV screen, watching

as if it were a movie. It shocked but not surprised.

Many said we had it coming--bad foreign policy and

White House chess players meddling in someone else's

game. Isn't it always the pawns that are

expendable? The victims' crime: being

on the board in their respective places and on time.

Ink was shed, more than I can remember on any other

event, more flags sold and flown as if latent patriotism were the answer

and Amercanism were the power-of-the-hour.


Nearly a year later, Dave--a retired state trooper--says

he collects abandoned flags from off the sides of Georgia-to-Florida

highways, flags that flew loose--from cars, trucks, vans, SUVs, motorcycles

and perhaps mopeds--to lie like the rubbish we've accustomed ourselves

to not seeing.


No, I don't do politics in poems,

I don't wordify man's inhumanity to men, women, children;

woman's inhumanity to women, children, men;

child's inhumanity to children, men, women;

my inhumanity to you, nor

yours to me.

What would it serve anyway? Certainly it won't go away

just because we wrote a bunch of poems. It's war!

War against all, all the time: war against the world, war against nature, war

against the universe for heaven's sake!

Don't expect me who's unworthy to stitch some neat personal philosophy into verse. I'm not

poet enough and some things can't be expressed in words. Go visit

Picasso's Guernica and see if it tells you

About me
Poetry and other writings
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